Design for Human Interaction (DfHI)

Making a successful transition to digital is producing a new kind of autonomy for performers in their business functions.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now an integral part of our daily work.

This means AI is not a technology you adopt but an intelligence that works with you.

As we interact and exchange experience in the workplace, our AI interacts and learns with us. For that, we need a new paradigm for design.

DfHI is a novel, profession-centered approach to evolve business software that continually adapts to the flow of work. Business software is produced on the basis of human interactions, not diagrams.

This is a radical shift for any organization to undertake. But it makes business software readily available at low cost. We are moving away from long, costly development cycles, which is becoming an impediment to competitiveness in the digital economy.

The bulk of your "digital transformation" will be on risks, readiness, and costs associated with reconfiguring daily work practices for all involved.

The focus of your "digital transformation" will be on fulfilling all relevant business function in a radically most effective way.

The Interaction Modeling Language (IML)

We already know that the effective way to move into the digital space is from a human-centered, profession-focused vantage point.

To work from professional interactions and shared experiences we need a language that is designed for professionals, by industry professionals, not technical actors.

To build apps that are useful for the professionals who need them we need usability that is designed from their work context, not from a database administration vantage point.

To evolve business software that continually adapts to the flow of work, we need a language that is readily translatable into executing software apps at near zero cost.

DfHI is based on such a language, the Interaction Modeling Language (IML) that has the prime directive of making the professional's experience primary.

How Does it Work?

Our methodology we picked up from decades of experience innovating in process improvement and workflow digitization in large companies. It is highly customizable for any type of organization: high tech engineering, customer relationship management, sales, finance, government, and nonprofit alike.

The methodology relies on powerful modeling languages dedicated to analyzing the enterprise, uncovering potentials, and assessing risks upfront. A typical resulting workplan starts with a Risk and Readiness Assessment and continues with Feasibility and Enterprise Analysis, developing a Transition Roadmap, Task and Resource Planning, Execution, Training, and ends with User Experience Validation.

Practice reconfiguration method